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Further information about how we collect, hold and delete data and information about your data rights and how to make a complaint can be found in our privacy notice at. Teesside International Airport takes data protection very seriously. We also include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of our e-marketing emails – you can use that link to opt out of receiving further email marketing from Teesside International Airport. Simply email us at and we will delete your data within one week. You can ask us to stop contacting you from Teesside International Airport or ask us to delete your contact details from our database at any time. This is set out in our Data Retention Policy. We will keep the database for up to 24 months, at which time we may contact you to confirm whether or not you want us to continue to hold your contact details and send you information. How long will we keep your personal data? arrivals departures arrivals departures arrivals departures

We will check the data you entered appears accurate and we will then contact you with the relevant information you have opted to receive from Teesside International Airport. We will not be using your personal data for any other marketing purposes or to send you general information about Teesside International Airport. We will use your contact details to keep in touch about the latest, relevant updates from the Airport. You have given the Teesside International Airport your contact details (name, email address and where you live) because you are interested in hearing the latest updates from Teesside International Airport. Teesside International Airport Database – Marketing and Processing Consent

 arrivals departures